With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Sleepless in Sentience

Maybe it was the few dozen chocolate covered espresso beans right before bed or my disappointed liver sniveling that the night's recreation had fallen short of expected contributions to the daily-dialysis-in-twenty goal. Maybe it was Physiology's answer to my stubborn conviction. A biological "As if" valley girl snort at perceived imperviousness. Or, maybe it was biology trying to teach me a lesson. Whatever it was, its muffled message continues to resonate. It's like someone hit a gong and used a magic mallet that's resulted in ceaseless sound ripple monopoly. Only difference is that instead of the rich, textured tone of a gong (or tam-tam, as the orchestral folk are quick to point out), this audio un-delight sounds an awful lot like the metal edge of a snow plow scraping mercilessly against a concrete/snow/ice combo. Particularly the metal on concrete part. All night.

So maybe this isn't some karmic delusion. Maybe the Hand of Fatima isn't giving me an ass slap and sending me on my merry way. This may even have something to do with living in white-as-death-winter Maine and the elements. God, how those elements taunt me. And not in that hot, kinky sort of way either. It's more like Sartre's No Exit. A gorgeous vixen floating atop a narcissistic martini without a mirror in sight. Straight up.


Blogger sean said...

Or maybe --just maybe-- it was that our meeting was cut short by a brassy, brawny, crass old hag. Your expectations for intellectual stimulation (Hot, but in an asexual way) were deserted, partially by aforementioned woman, perhaps partially by my own inebriation (brought on by visits to two other bars that same night, one of them twice). Perhaps that metal scraping sound was your intangible bundle of regrets making themselves corporeal as a sonic intrusion, screaming: "You should have called sean earlier, before he chugged a bottle of HSA at the wine bar and before he returned to free street!"
Or maybe it was just a fucking snowplow.

p.s. I have a 6 pack of guinness in my van. Want to go drink it at the 50 yard line of the high school football field?

2:40 PM, February 15, 2005

Blogger sean said...

p.p.s. Romantic Comedy keeps talking about her dates with some other dude. Fucking bitch.

2:43 PM, February 15, 2005

Blogger kafkas.undies said...

Only if I can wear your ring. Or pin. Or if you'll have my baby. Or admit that you fathered me. Or give me back the aborted tassle turtle you stole. Or I have l'ecole.

2:48 PM, February 15, 2005

Blogger kafkas.undies said...

Romantic Comedy can take her Keanu Reeves daydreams, mix in some Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts creme friache, pour on a healthy dose of placenta, and light the whole bitch on fire. Sprinkle with sage and serve.

Romantic Comedy is just trying to make you jealous because it takes her mind off her inevitable future. That future involves a loveless marriage followed by a painful divorce, fifteen thousand children who will forever be embarrassed of her, and a fat ass. A really, really fat ass. With a future like that, can you really blame the poor girl?

Put another way: you are the best thing that's almost happened to her and she's milking it for every milliliter.

The sour teat of loneliness...

2:56 PM, February 15, 2005


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