With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dendrite Destruction

Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
Fudge. I mean, Fuck. Fucking new IP address and DNS routing mess and me not getting my email as a result and IMAP servers dropping the connection and backend administration being of no help. Christ.

The gem in this landfill of tech frustration (courtesy of my incompetent hosting company) is that it's led to the discovery of old writing. A small cache circa 2000. This is a scenario right out of the "server fucks you over > turn to long unused email account > discover something forgotten" book. A classic. Except that instead of a book, you find a draft folder full of five year old humor. Yes, written by five year olds for five year olds. Or like the t-shirt says: It's a post-toddler thing, you wouldn't understand.

From this newfound treasure trove, I've extracted a few observations. For your benefit and mine.

1. Eating disorders were as funny then as they are now.
2. If you're going to sexually harass, at least have the decency to give your victim chocolate ice cream afterwards.
3. Life without humor is like Jesus without the cross.

Hail Mary. See you at mass.


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