With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Is It Over Yet?

Going Down
Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
Wolfowitz to head the World Bank
Because war criminals and poor strategists deserve as much.
Senate approves rape of national wildlife refuge
Because abstinence-only programs aren't catching on.
Karen Hughes handed another political reward
Because ambassadorships make great thank you gifts.
New Anthrax scares and more casualties and
Tom DeLay caught in a lie. Again. Again.

Because we are parched for scandal and
Because only blood can tame this fire.
Because people think that if it bleeds, it leads and
Because those who know better are busy
chasing a myth or hiding in bed
or desperately trying to forget.

Look. Another headline and its precious byline.
The ink confirmation all its own
that freedom is on the march,
On the march and
heading straight for the showers,
Women and children to the right,
Journalists to the left.

Is this it? Is this really it?
Or did Justice suddenly grow a sense of humor,
One that puts the Marquee de Sade's to shame?
And when did mistakes become so funny anyhow?
Was it right before the bomb dropped?
Again? Again?


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