How Not To Save the World
If you’re looking for a job and you hate people, working as a street canvasser is probably a bad idea. The idea quickly turns from bad to terrible when involving employment at a non-profit organization whose causes include so many liberal talking points that the whole idea resembles political parody taken to an extreme.
Hi, we’re against littering and cutting down trees and water contamination and animal testing and hungry children and disease and war and globalization and can’t we all just get along?
Believe it or not, such organizations actually exist. And scarier than their mere existence is that they hire people to hit the streets and ask you for money. On the surface, these canvassers may appear concerned with spreading their pseudo-revolutionary ideas, but all they really want is your cash. And sometimes, it’s just easier to give it to them unless you like it when your ears bleed. And bleed they will. You’ll be a bicycle riding, SUV burning, macrobiotic vegan with a head full of Nag Champa scented dreadlocks by the time these people are through with you.
Sad as that is, it is also inevitable. Unless you work for them for a day and get fired before your shift is over. Such was the case with my “friend.” My “friend” - who we’ll call “Matt” - decides “he” needs a job. A recent Portland, Oregon transplant by way of Los Angeles, Matt finds the Portland job market depressed and haggard. Like a thirty-something’s postpartum blues less the giving birth part.
Searching high and low and lower, Matt finds a street canvassing job posted in the paper. At last! Something worth his $100,000 college education! He calls, schedules an interview, arrives in a suit, and gets glares that scream “Oh shit, I think it’s the Man!”
Having assured the interviewers that not only is he not the Man, he is not even the woMan, Matt inches toward the self-denigrating mountain peak otherwise known as employment. After watching an embarrassing video (yes, VHfuckingS) about some liberal nonsense, Matt is hired. Show up tomorrow at 8:30 and be ready to change the world – one dollar at a time!
Next morning, Matt shows up. Weary of what the day has in store - namely accosting strangers in public places – he shows up nonetheless.
And here’s the best part of the story. Each member of the street team is given a t-shirt. Save the Whales, Save the Trees, Save Your Dignity, and Save the Children t-shirts all around! Except there were no Save Your Dignity shirts. Matt is lucky enough to get a Save the Children shirt. His favorite because the only thing he hates more than children is saving them and the only thing he loves more than dead, poor, hungry children is Irony. He puts on the shirt and then watches in horror as the street team’s leader instructs everyone to put their hand in and in unison shout “Let’s go help make the world a better place!”
Matt tried. He tried by going to the town square in his Save the Children t-shirt. He tried by saying hello to people who looked gullible. He tried by avoiding eye contact with those who knew better. And through his efforts, he didn’t raise a single dollar. But he did get some suspicious glares and he did get fired.
I love slash hate the idea that this one organization would gather a group of underpaid canvassers together one day and hand out t-shirts according to which cause they would be half-heartedly fighting for.
"Oh crap, I got 'SAVE THE CRUSTY VARIEGATED DREADLOCK LICE' again... No one ever donates..."
I am by no means an activist or an organizer of any sort, but I would think this situation needs a little common sense. From my not-as-limited-as-it-could-have-been experience with the vegan compost-your-own-poop dreadies, I would feel safe in generalizing that yes, many of them (or most,even) are passionate about ideas and want to affect change. I do not doubt their sincerity (only their research, credibility, and cleanliness).
Sincerity aside, I would think that a much more effective approach would be to:
A). come to terms with your status as a minority that may be viewed as extreme by some people.
B). Stop spreading yourselves so thin, prioritize your causes, and use your minority population as a whole to champion fewer causes.
God forbid that by working in a more conventional manner you might actually get something done. If you get something major accomplished, you will get attention, and with attention you will gain power (and members).
Perhaps someday the majority will be the people with dreadlocks and pretty patches on their corduroy skirts. You can probably hire Kevin Costner as a leader of sorts, and he could sail around drinking pee and delivering old mail. Mad Max could be his vice president. Woody Harrelson can be the minister of something. And there'd be like NO fuckin SUV's maaann... we'd all be like LIVIN in em and shit, ya know? Like fuckin' houses an shit... an' I'm gonna have like a HUNDRED babies man, with some totally beautiful dreadie mama, ya know. We'll like repopulate. Totally like composting our poo and stuff, man. Jah love.
3:52 PM, February 25, 2005
Yeah, and we make money by selling hugs and hair wraps and veggie burritos!
4:26 PM, February 25, 2005
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