say what you will about my trust fund
just make sure i'm out of earshot
because man, i've got nothing and
neither does the flight attendant
fawning over that first class asshole.
the only difference between us
is that one of us knows
her pockets are empty.
one knows
while the other is waiting for an
imaginary cardboard cutout to leap
off the page
mount a white horse, its hair just brushed
and save her.
i've got nothing in my pockets, sweetheart,
but that means i've got no delusions either.
no plastic storybook casting me as princess
royalty waiting for something - waiting for anything
to happen,
waiting and nestled in a cat's cradle
while life runs its course.
and while i carry a light load with pockets empty,
what i do have is words
but words, words
don't weigh a thing
like bags of airs no
need for concierge or baggage claim.
i've got so many words i could spare a few
and you, sweetheart, look short on supply.
so here, let me toss you
a sample pack.
inside you'll find a trial
size of this great product
called don't be a victim.
there's also a tube
of being an active agent in your own chronology.
try it, you'll love it.
might take some getting used to
but trust me,
once you get the hang of it
you'll wonder
how you ever did without.
try it.
it's like riding a bike
without emergency rooms or timid stitches.
no first class asshole is going to save you, but
don't get me wrong
it's not that i want to soil
your glitter strewn fantasy dreamscape,
it's that i call like i see it
and what i see is a woman
past her prime clinging
desperately to a consumer culture
castle in the sky pipe dream
that will never come to pass.
so dig this:
responsibility is the new co-dependence.
that means you can
stop waiting for someone to save you
and get busy saving yourself.
the clock's a'tickin.
And stewardess is so Pan Am circa über-short dresses and smoking onboard it makes me want to crawl inside my humidor and pee.
9:59 AM, May 19, 2005
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