With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Insomnia Chronicles Continued

In the Pink
Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
This past week the fatigue reached new heights. Or lows. So starved was my body for sleep that I was reduced to the sorry state of a helpless, over-tired toddler who long ago passed through the gates of fatigue. After hanging out for a while, taking a few tokes off of whatever it is toddlers take tokes off of in Fatigue Land, the toddler drifted somewhere other, drifted into the universe of free reigning and illogical temper tantrums and frustration and incoherence. Somewhere several planets away from salvation. You cannot reason with a toddler who's crossed this border. I don't care how many boarder guards or xenophobic citizen vigilante groups you've got on patrol. Once over the border, no noun - or any part of speech, for that matter - can bring a toddler back into empiricism's domain. Try all you want, but success will not be had because Toddler is tired of being pushed around by you and you and you. Now, you're on toddler time, living by toddler rules. One of those rules demands copious use and abuse of the third person. Another rule says something about drinking lots of coffee and resisting delusions that try to sell you on the merits of attacking slow moving senior citizens driving shopping carts through your neighborhood grocery store at 7 in the morning. These assholes couldn't smoothly operate a shopping cart if a bag full of senior citizen discounts and free samples awaited them. Imagine the number they'd do on a parking lot?


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