With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A Day

Nature's Premie Ward
Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
Off to an auspicious start, this week opened with a day in which you couldn't avoid taking a quick thought-romp through Biblical tragedy. No matter your hallow attempts at sidestepping, chances are Ten to Oh you found yourself thinking about gospel-scale punishment. At least once.

Call it reflection, wishful thinking, or applesauce. Whatever you call it, you know you were doing it because we were all doing it. It's a regional reflex to springtime's impulsiveness. When balmy 50s suddenly decide that they're feeling a little bit April snowstormy, you might as well pull out for your copy of Judeo-Christianity for Dummies and turn to the Punishment by Weather section. Alternately, you can just sit back and relax while what's left of your long-term memory flips the pages for you.

On second thought, scrap the whole naming it suggestion. Let it name itself. You have better things to do anyway, like looking out for locusts and frogs falling from the sky. This week neither was spotted. But that's only so because hail chunks took their place. According to the local press, hail chunks stole the show, upstaging anything locusts, frogs, or painting-door-in-lamb's-blood fervor had to offer. Unless, of course, you count the kitchen ladies talking all democratic style about menopause and menstruation. Seriously. I’m guessing it was their uterus lining themed interpretation of the Fairness Doctrine and guessing is as close to asking as I’ll get. And sure, they made no explicit killing-of-firstborn references but they did use the word blood.

This week opened just south of April's midsection. With unpunctured naval aching for exposure, it had to settle for a snowstorm instead. And so the elements had a free for all while I had a free from one. Or free from several. Most notably, I was free from sleep. Free from blanket comfort thanks to an all-night design job, a solid week of nightmares more terrifying than the Holocaust, and a touch of procrastination's consequences. So focused on the task at hand sat I, that the 2 am carpal tunnel walk-in barely registered. And when it did, I made like Helen Keller and didn't listen.


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