With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Pink Ponies and Gold Stars

Man Ass
Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
Eve Ensler mainstreamed one of anatomy's most stubborn linguistic taboos. With the help of a sassy disposition and a national theatre tour, Ensler transformed vagina into a buzzword sensation. The phenomenon freed the body's Nelson Mandela equivalent and all that vagina-talk did more than just make other body parts jealous. For one thing, the V-word gave us V-Day. Yes, a day that has everything to do with vaginas and violence. And a day some idiot-savants at Bowdoin College have decided to promote with naked, hairy man ass posters. Naked man ass used to promote women, vaginas, and violence. Fucking brilliant. I guess they don't call them idiot-savants for nothing.

A special thanks to today's UPS guy. Thanks for doing your job, man. Without your truck, your driver's license, and those finely honed package handling skills, I would be without The Mighty Book of Knowledge. And without The Mighty Book of Knowledge, I might have spent today not knowing that:
a) Micronesia's literacy rate is a whopping 90%.
b) Methyl alcohol boils at 148 degrees Fahrenheit.
c) If you take 3 quarts of lemonade, multiply them by 0.946352946, stir gently, then vigorously, you'll have yourself a sore wrist and a couple of liters.

Sidenote Postscript Aside: Is hate mail's opposite fan mail? Or a fan mail love letter look what I made for you hybrid? If so, I just hate-mail-opposited Sleep. Though she's an elusive broad, persistent I remain. I figure she's worth the price of postage.


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