With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

My Retarded Uncle

Sipping and Giving Lip
Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
You wrote the word retard
And it hurt my feelings,
my feelings' feelings,
And my tear ducts' feelings
And now I have to wipe
my tears and their hurt feelings
And blow my nose
into a tissue whose feelings are hurt by proxy.

Retarded is not a word to be used
By just anyone.
You have to pass a test. Professionally proctored
Because it's about time people
Start respecting
Retardation's linguistic protocol,
Stop taking it for granted
And offending people with unsanctioned
That's how feelings get hurt.

Retardation is sacred.
Like Catholicism's trombone
An instrument sanctified,
held captive for its chromatic charm,
And blasphemed by a heathen symphony.
Number five.
Guess Beethoven should have known better.

Only after passing a test
Can you use words like retard.
Only after bringing civil rights
into talk
of conditions that medicine and the
high court commit to print
Can you add retard to your vocabulary.
And even then it's risky.
Better slap an ed or ation to the end
Just in case.
You never know whose feelings might get hurt.

Maybe babies should have to take a test before we let them speak.
They're liable to offend everyone, hurt everyone's feelings
Being new to this world and
Not yet mouth broken.
Say what you will about meaning and context
that counts for nothing
Or leaves you in the red,
A deficit of meaning because
Particulars are irrelevant
And oftentimes offensive.

Using the word retard is not a right
It's a privilege
And your misuse offends me.
It's almost as bad
When you use the word blue.
And Jew. And holocaust
And sunshine.
It really is so inappropriate.
Especially when used in art.

The dictionary offends me.
It's worse than that time
With Jesus and Lennon
And that was quite bad.
Let's burn all the dictionaries,
An exit from access
Save all those words from savage cold hearts.

I have an uncle. His name is Sasha.
He has Downs Syndrome and I love him a lot.
We watch Russian films
And listen to music
from his collection,
then we'll take a walk.
I said the word love and now I'm offended.
Offended myself with
this savage cold heart.


Blogger Gary Lawless and Beth Leonard said...

From the book Spindleworks Journey:What Does Retarded mean
Bob Fuller

Something you can't help doing
that's what my mother told me.
the word makes me feel sad.
Maybe autistic...
I thought retarded means color - coordinated.
autistic people work at workshops and make canvas bags.
i thought autistic meant you can do art.

What Retarded Means
Earle Black
people can't think straight
they need some help to get dressed
they need some help to have breakfast
they can't work
their minds are not turning right
they live in some kind of group home
they need supervisors
some are in wheelchairs
some of them can't see
some of them talk funny
some can't talk

Terri Bonin and Diane Black

i don't think they'll like me
i don't know
some people laugh at me
call me a retard
doesn't sound nice when they say
"see that retard"
i have a lot of problems
but it's not my fault
i had a sad look on my face
i was thinking why someone would say that
they don't like me cause i'm different
i'm different a little bit
but we were all born different

Betty Pinette

some people think that
handicapped and retarded
don't know nothing and are dumb
we know just as much as they do

some peoplke think that we're not
very smart
we got our equal rights
stick up for yourself
speak up for yourself
when nobody else will

a lot of people make fun of me
call me retarded
not really very nice
i feel hurt

i know what i can do
i try to help myself
i can make cookies
i can cook a supper
that's more than
some people can do

Betty Pinette

some people make fun of me
i don't care
it bounces off the wall
some people call me mentally retarded
that's something that hurts
to be hurt like that
that's no good
some people ain't able to function right
help them
people should help them

Rita Langlois

I heard about it
but i ain't got it now

11:12 PM, March 23, 2005


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