With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Monday, March 28, 2005

When Double Entendres Hit Perception's Wall

Whitetrashing It
Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
You try to be coy,
But just enough
to ring cognizant
You try and
sometimes you fail
And in such instances
all you can do is laugh.
Actually no, wait a second postman,
Because no
you can do a theoretically infinite
number of things
But laughing seems
the most cosmically neutral
PH balanced
for the rain and
its green galoshes

See, it's what happens
when you come to work hours late
without the threat of detection
It's what comes from meetings
that go your way and then some
It's the byproduct of gray skies
and heavy clouds
that leave you soaked
embalmed in fabric
tissue clinging to skin
with saran wrap tautness
It's when your Christ complex finally makes sense
more so than saliva droplets
on pillowcase mornings
It's when the neighborhood
corner booth feels
more homespun
Than mother's cold
gestures and family recipes
that smell like war.

If your intent is lost
on some
maybe that's just god's way
of telling you
To stop
taking yourself so seriously.
Maybe it's a reminder to bring an umbrella.


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