With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Flossing's Apogee

Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
Skill and discipline-specific fluency are so damn sexy. The formal term is Mastery and it is Overachievement's favorite older brother. Not only is it competent, but Mastery's ability to induce slack jaw adoration is greater than that of a Paris runway. Greater and oh so very much sexier. Mastery is hotter than Equatorial Guinea and The Book of Knowledge combined. And better too. Better because Mastery has no GPS device. No ISBN. No meridian and parallel coordinates. No paperback edition or untapped oil wealth. And with its scandalously long list of Nos, Mastery makes each Yes sweeter than a honey covered ball of confectioner's sugar.


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