With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Fat People Make Jesus Cry

Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
I am officially pissed. And not in my pants, thank you very much. I am pissed in a way well-suited for analogies that would invariably get me into trouble and I like my freedom, so I'll have to leave it there. Let it suffice to say that I am redefining anger and frustration as we speak. And the floor is shaking. It is shaking because a fat American (of course) is waddling around the office, her mammoth weight ensuring that every fiber in the industrial grade carpet knows she's here. This goes on as another one - this one also an American mammoth, albeit of slightly smaller proportions - is screaming to someone at the other end of this professional work space. And yes, it is necessary to define the setting in a no-frills-this-and-only-this-way because you never can tell what people forget. Mammoth B, for instance, completely forgot the meaning of both phone and email. She must have forgotten - for what other reason would one have for choosing shrieking as their primary mode of communication?

Add to this five dollar Walmart plastic shoes and what do you get? Flip-flopping. You know, the sound made when a three-quarter inch piece of cheap plastic hits the underside of a human foot. Now maybe I've been living beneath a rock - beneath a lovely piece of kyanite perhaps - but it is my understanding that the mere act of wearing flip-flops does not necessitate the flip-flopping noise otherwise known as white-trash-look-at-me-complex. But as I said, maybe I've been living under a rock. Maybe I missed the memo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jen, i love fat people too. i'll give a call soon. here's some philanthropy to hold you over till you take your Little Debbie snack cakes out of the Turkish bath (it's beter then the microwave!)

When prostitutes get buried in the desert,
Trying to apply funnels to cacti water glands
Which sand baring reptile nuzzles next to her corset
And serenades scorpion tailwinds until he delicately pulls the garter from past her elbow
(Where Arthur Ashe used to wear his wristband)

Playing 62 pickup with your syncopated hiccup oeuvre
Which janitor at the Louvre is really your grandfather
Who’s the head of a gypsy band of art thieves that steal precious works of raw canvas
Only to later eject them from a moving weather balloon

Dodi Al-Fayed came across his favorite flavor of jiffy pop
By accident while watching a Smothers Brothers’ routine
That involved yo-yo’s imitating domesticated canine canoodling serums

The Sistine Chapel has majestically arose in more then one porta potty
But which strain of bacteria will conquer Mount McKinley?

It’s the graven errors we make while crossing streets that allow bike messengers to impale rickshaw tires with a toothpick bayonet

You come across soiled mattresses in department stores, buy them, then return them, infuriated that the manager let you strap it to the roof of your Excursion

With my collection of archaic prescription bottles, I can now entertain the entire microcosm without refilling my glass, or perhaps, dangling a chain emergency ladder from my first floor window
(it kind of just all clumps together)

We realize the leather is used by more vegans then Hindus, buy I won’t let soy beans create artificial estrogen in my bloodstream
That’s GlaxoSmithKline’s job

Your doting Filipino mother collects matchbooks from (F)amous landmarks
And then hocks them up on the weekend at swap meets
So she can afford that end table with the engraved glass visage
Of three dozen doves getting airlifted to the closest sanctuary
So they can be placed in a state of suspended animation,
While the surgeon gets miniature cardiology implements delivered from Beirut

And you sinch it all together, with your Cherokee jeans and that piece of extension cord you call a belt
Doilies as cheek implants
What isn’t rosy can get divided in your Judeo Christian sense of equine standards
I’d sleep in the stable with your holographic call girl armoire
Even pieces of furniture leave behind fossils

7:46 PM, June 29, 2005

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 5:19 pm:

Hi John

This has a kind of jaded, scathing interest to it as a kind of surrealistic anochronistic soup of a poem. I think though that it would be wise to drop the name-dropping of the names of such celebrities as Arthur Ashe, Dodi Al-Fayed, and the Smothers Brothers which detracts rather than adds. Sorry but I think this couplet is rather silly--

Dodi Al-Fayed came across his favorite flavor of jiffy pop
By accident while watching a Smothers Brothers’ routine

-- what's that supposed to mean as a statement on either Dodi Al-Fayed or the Smothers Brothers?

I believe it should be "cinch" not "sinch"

More than anything I think you should look at what you are actually saying in the poem and examine the poem's direction and message. Good luck.

Best regards

Chris George
Editor, Desert Moon Review

10:41 PM, June 29, 2005


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