With the backward messenger of Future's mystery, we grow the purple of our time. Swimming green, i sit.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Pre-Midnight Denouncements

Originally uploaded by kafkas_undies.
Pardon the delay. Feel assured it had nothing to do with a lack of disappointments or frustrations.

Welcome to Week Two. Let the defamation begin.

Diagonally Backwards denounces... deadlines and having to meet them.

Diagonally Backwards denounces... group work where no one gets paid.

Diagonally Backwards denounces... bad dressers who think they're not and are prone to showing too much too often.

Diagonally Backwards denounces... mispronouncers of words like "often," "espresso," and "across." If an immigrant can master pronunciation of these simple terms, you can, too.

Diagonally Backwards denounces... regret. No use wishing for a return of minutes one will never get back.

Diagonally Backwards denounces... movie-goers who talk during the film, and double denounces those who kick the seat in front of them. Video rental exists for a reason. That reason is you.


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